Monday, September 5, 2011

Motivation Monday

"If a man does his best, what else is there?"
          --General George S. Patton

I thought this quote was more than fitting for today (for me, anyway) because tomorrow is the day I take my ultrasound registry exam....for the THIRD time!!!  It is getting harder and harder to study for the darn thing and my patience with it all is next to nothing.  But...I just have to keep going and remember that all I can do is my best.  I know that so many people are struggling with much bigger things, but this is my struggle right now, and it is hard, but it will work itself out in the end.  It just may take a while!


  1. Thanks Cassie! I'm gonna need all the luck I can get!!

  2. I am sorry I am just now reading this! I know you did your best Julia and that is all that matters! Hope to see you Monday at Sorority!! =)
