Thursday, August 11, 2011


I don't know what it is lately, but I have just been in such a 'blah' kind of mood:/  No motivation to do anything and if I could get away with laying in bed all day, I would.  I have so many craft projects I want to do, I have stuff I can/need to do around the house, and (most importantly) I have a huge test to study for.  Maybe the studying is my issue.  I am so scared to take this test again, it's crazy!!  I have failed it twice and am terrified of failing it again.  But hey, maybe the third time is the charm, right!?!  So, to put off studying and to try to give myself some motivation, I have been looking at inspirational/motivational quotes online.  I have found some good ones!  Here is one of them:

~Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.~
~Bernice Johnson Reagon~

I have just been feeling so overwhelmed lately, and for no particular reason.  Ugh...I hate it!!  Maybe I just need a good kick in the ass:)  haha  

I am really liking reading these quotes.  Maybe I will start something like "Motivation Monday" or something?!?  Cause we all know we could use a little motivation on Monday's!!  

Hope everyone has a good weekend!  


  1. Sorry about the crazy font/posting issue! Who knows what happened!

  2. You can do it!!! A motivational Monday would be far the hardest day of the week.
